Objective Truth, What a Difference It Can Make

Objective Truth, What a Difference It Can Make

I recently heard Jim Warren Wallace, a cold case investigator and Christian Apologist, speak on the topic of truth. He explained the difference between “objective” and “subjective” truth. “Objective” truth” is true for all of us, regardless of how we feel about it. The truth is based on the object of the truth. “Subjective” truth is a matter of personal opinion and can change based on how you feel because your feelings about the subject can change.

What is “truth” for a Christian regarding adversity in life? How can God allow the worst kinds of heartache, like the unexpected death of a loved one? The Bible says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV) That means I should not be surprised when bad things happen. God actually tells us they will happen. It is part of being this side of heaven. The good news is Christ paid the ultimate price to change that for all eternity. I don’t have to like it, but I shouldn’t be surprised. It doesn’t mean God doesn’t love me; as a matter of fact, He extends His love to me through His peace.


  • What do you believe when adversity comes your way?
  • What truth does God want you to hold onto?


  1. Sandie Carignan

    My grief began when Jim was losing his ability to live the life he wanted and needed for his family. We were very involved in the Parkinson’s community in Boise. As the pandemic shut down our gyms and gathering together, life changed for the worst. We moved to Dallas to be close to one of our sons and his family. In less than 14 months Jim passed away from cancer. I have been blessed with new friends, a loving and compassionate church and the Rebuild class that Julie started at Woodcreek church. My grief ebbs and flows and I will always miss my Jim and our 50 years of marriage. I know God has a plan. What it is, I do not know but my eyes are open for the path He has set before me. We have an amazing God!

    • jthomas

      Sandy, thank you. It is interesting to see how our stories cross as my mom just passed away from complications due to Parkinson’s.

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