Did you know that the Sunday before Mother’s Day is a day of remembrance? It is International Bereaved Mother’s Day. It recognizes those who have lost a child or cannot be a mother due to infertility or other health reasons. From miscarriage and stillbirths to SIDS and death of children, teens, young adults, and adult children, mammas of any age are not designed to bury their child. It goes against the natural order of life. From the moment a mom first recognizes she is pregnant till the day she buries that child, everything screams of her love and care for the life she bore.
You probably won’t find a card at Hallmark for the occasion. How would it look to read, “Happy Bereaved Mother’s Day!” What is happy about that? What is there to celebrate? And who would think to send such a card?
Having been the mom of both a stillbirth/miscarriage son and a teenage son, I can tell you what there is to celebrate for me. I applaud the gift of life and love they brought for a season. I remember moments, even during pregnancy, of dreaming of my boys. I treasure all the big and small events in Bryan’s life. His laughter; the sound of his growing manly voice; the companionship of rides to school, church, and activities; the smell of his stinky feet; the tough of his hugs or shoves; the pleasure of hearing his name.
So, this Sunday, I will recognize the precious lives NO ONE will ever replace. I will laugh, cry, and remember and treasure the gift of their lives. And if I hear someone mention their name, I will probably laugh and cry and cherish that moment.