Sharing our stories is one way we keep memories of our loved ones alive. As we tell our stories, we remember not only the hard parts, like their deaths but the joys of their life. I have grown to appreciate those opportunities, just like I enjoy opportunities to tell you about my girls, Robin and Sara.
Earlier this year, I had the chance to share my story with child loss(s) as part of a fantastic ministry called “While We’re Waiting.” I will be forever grateful to Brad and Jill Persenaire Sullivan and Janice and Larry Brown for the way they walk beside bereaved parents on their retreats.
In part one of a two-part podcast, I share my story of losing David Michael, my first son, at 20 weeks of pregnancy and the lessons I learned that enabled me to keep moving forward after the unexpected loss of my 16-year-old son, Bryan Marcus. I also share my one-year plan for grief.