Grief and Mourning

To Grieve or Not To Grieve – Not the Right Question

Grief is defined as “whatever you think and feel inside about the loss. Any thoughts, emotions, physical symptoms, and even unexpected behaviors you are experiencing because of the loss/death are part of your grief.” (Alan Wolfelt) Mourning is when grievers express their grief outside themselves. Mourning is grief inside out.  (Alan Wolfelt) Grief is…
Anticipating Mothers Day

Are You Excited About Mother’s Day? Maybe Not

April Showers bring May Flowers. Do you know what else the end of April and heading into May bring? Mother’s Day. President Woodrow Wilson established Mother's Day as a national holiday in 1912. Anna Jarvis was credited with the idea as a way of honoring the sacrifices mothers made for their…
Bereaved Mother’s Day, A Way To Remember

Bereaved Mother’s Day, A Way To Remember

Did you know that the Sunday before Mother's Day is a day of remembrance? It is International Bereaved Mother's Day. It recognizes those who have lost a child or cannot be a mother due to infertility or other health reasons. From miscarriage and stillbirths to SIDS and death of children, teens, young adults, and…