Growth In Loss: Loss Can Trigger Loss, But It Doesn’t Have To

Growth In Loss: Loss Can Trigger Loss, But It Doesn’t Have To

“Loss triggers loss. If you don't learn the art of helpful grieving now, future losses will compound - and continue to derail you.” Rebuild, week 6 Remembering when When it comes to child loss, my first experience came at 20 weeks of pregnancy. I was pregnant with my 3rdchild and went…
Grief Isn’t A Disease To Be Cured

Grief Isn’t A Disease To Be Cured

Grief is complicated. We search for answers, but the most beneficial things that can occur aren't the answers but those we meet along our search. When Bryan died, I knew ONE PERSON who had lost a child, Joan. I met Joan five years before as I became involved with a…
Paradox  of Mourning – Things you never expect

Paradox of Mourning – Things you never expect

Tomorrow would be my son Bryan's 22nd birthday on the 22nd. His "golden birthday." That was a new term for me. A golden birthday is a birthday year when you turn the age that corresponds to the day of the month of your birthday. Bryan only lived to be 16,…
Our Story Begins

Happy Birthday In Heaven

August 22nd will be my son's 21st birthday. It should be a time of celebration, but not this year. Or ever again. You see, Bryan has spent his last four birthdays in Heaven. On the morning of December 16, 2017, we were making plans for the holidays, Christmas shopping online, and preparing…