Easter Past

Easter Through the Lens of Grief

Easter Past I love Easter. As our kids grew up, it was almost a sacred time. After church on Easter Sunday, we would go to my folk's house for lunch, an Easter egg hunt, and family photos. The kids would line in age order to take pictures. Then, they would…
Growth In Loss: Loss Can Trigger Loss, But It Doesn’t Have To

Growth In Loss: Loss Can Trigger Loss, But It Doesn’t Have To

“Loss triggers loss. If you don't learn the art of helpful grieving now, future losses will compound - and continue to derail you.” Rebuild, week 6 Remembering when When it comes to child loss, my first experience came at 20 weeks of pregnancy. I was pregnant with my 3rdchild and went…
Recognize What Affects Your Grief

Do You Have The Kind Of Support System You Need?

A significant aspect of how we process grief is what kind of support system we have in our lives. Our support system is affected by different aspects that may include stage of life, personality, and community. Stage of Life When we are young, parents are a natural part of a child’s support system. Parents…
Avoiding Road Rage and Embracing Gapers

Grieving Into The Holidays – Ragers and Gapers

Part Two As you drive through the holidays, you not only face speedbumps (things you can anticipate may be headed your way) and potholes (things you don’t see coming) but there are other drivers on the road. Every driver you pass is on a journey as well. Each can potentially…
Grief Speedbumps and Potholes

Grieving Into The Holidays – Speedbumps and Potholes

Part One The holidays are a complicated part of life in the midst of grief. Holiday festivities and holiday grief don’t usually mix well. Families gathering around a Christmas tree and someone missing are awkward. What are some tips to help “drive through the holidays” with as minor damage as…
Grieve In Helpful Ways

Gifts in the Midst of Grief – Part Two

I am not sure I set out to find "gifts in the midst of grief." I just wanted to survive the brokenness I felt. Yet, I did find a second gift. Grieve in Helpful Ways When Bryan died, I only knew ONE person who had lost a child, Joan. She lived in…